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Partners in the Gospel

a community in need


Partners in the Gospel

a community in need

In a 3 mile radius of our church there are 96,000 people. For every 100 you meet, 93 of them are not connected to a church. 


5280 Church began with eight people praying for this reality to change in our community. Our passion is to reach the unreached in the urban neighborhoods of Denver. Over 89,000 in our neighborhood need to clearly see who Jesus is, and be given the chance to respond to His offer of grace. Will you help us?

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Reaching the Unreached

reaching the unreached

Reaching the Unreached

reaching the unreached

The average person in our community will never attend a church. Their attitude towards the church is either one of apathy or antagonism. 


How do you reach a person that has given up on the church? It begins with going to them!

We partner with local schools, businesses, organizations, law enforcement, and non-profits to celebrate with and meet the needs of our community. Through these interactions, we meet individuals who would otherwise never interact with "church people". This begins a relationship where they hear and see the gospel in action.

The result is creating a space for the people to overcome their fears and negative perceptions of church, and to enter into our spiritual environments where they can be in process, ask questions, come to faith, and live it out in meaningful ways. 

And it is working!

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Can't do this without you

partner with us

Can't do this without you

partner with us

Ever since the church at Antioch sent out its best leaders and financially supported their mission, churches have been partnering to reach the unreached. 

We currently exist because local churches of all sizes have partnered with us to PRAY for our community, SEND mission teams to our city, GIVE to financially support us, and commission people from their church to GO as long term missionaries here in Denver.

Here's what our partners are saying!

What is it like to partner with us?

We have taken VBS to a new level by combining it's approach with unique half-day camp experiences. We have hosted Engineering Camps, Outdoor Adventure Camps, Creative Arts Camps, and Sports Camps. This approach allows us to connect with unchurched families. Imagine ministering to a group of kids where 75% of the participants are unchurched! You van also expect to serve the underserved in our community by hosting everything from block parties to repairing transitional housing for the homeless. Your church will head home with fresh ideas, an unforgetable experience, and a passion to reach the unreached back home!