

rethinking church



rethinking church

What would it look like if the church acted more like a community?

We get it. There is a lot of confusion, inconsistency and hurt associated with church. Church history is full of the damaging effects of religion. What began as a beautiful expression of community, grace, and faith can at times seem like the complete opposite. We are setting out to recapture the beauty of what Jesus intended for His community called the church.

because everyone needs more hope, genuine community and a clearer picture of God's love...

We will not offer people empty religion, but a fulfilling experience with Jesus.

We will not exclude anyone, but give of ourselves to provide a safe place to ask questions, be in process and become more like Jesus.

We will not turn away from the brokenness in ourselves or in this world, but bring the sacrificial love and healing message of Jesus to it.

...we pursue Jesus, build community and restore hope

"5280 Church is a community where you can find, rebuild, and do something significant with your faith."



what we teach


what we teach

What if God actually and personally introduced Himself to humanity?

What affect would that have on religion, culture and life? Well we believe God has done just that, and it serves as the foundation for all that we teach and believe. We realize it's a big world out there, and there are many beliefs religiously and otherwise, but what if God has personally revealed Himself? Wouldn't it make sense to allow Him the opportunity to define Himself? Wouldn't it make sense to take the time to get to know Him and listen to what He has to say?

We believe that Jesus is God. He actually and personally introduced Himself to humanity so we would know who God is and what He is like. Jesus' message reveals what He intends for humanity, why the world is full of pain, explains why suffering and separation from God exists, and offers hope like nothing else in life. Jesus' life and message is recorded in what we call the Bible. Christians refer to this collective message as the Gospel, which means good news.

The good news is that even though humanity rejects what God intends and creates their own version of god and morals, Jesus chooses to love us and offer the way for us to be forgiven and restored. His death on the cross shows us that the pain we have experienced, and the pain we have caused others, is not trite. His offer of forgiveness and restoration is not based on us trying to make it right, or fixing ourselves. It is based on us turning to Jesus, trusting Him to define what's good, and allowing Him to change our hearts to restore His character in our lives. He even invites us to help restore others.